My goal is to run 1,000 miles in 2010. See how far along I am:

Friday, September 21, 2007

New Pouches!

Months ago I purchased a stash of purse clasps and magnetic purse snaps on ebay from Hong Kong. The purse snaps where put to quick use it all sorts of cute bags. But the purse frames sat on my dresser sadly staring at me, begging me to make something. It took a while but I was finally able to come to a pattern and figure out how to attach them. See?

I also did some doodles for some new zippered wristlet pouches!

One is a Maneki Neko that will have a cute little bell sewn on his collar. Mankei Nekos are also called lucky cats or beckoning cats in Japan. They are a symbol of good luck and are usally in most businesses and houses, to bring in cumtomers and wealth. This guy is holding a carp (or koi) which symbolizes strength.

The other is a Daruma. When you buy a daruma his eyes are big white spots then you color in one of his eyes and make a wish. When your wish comes true you color in his other eye to show your gratitute! The druma on this wristlet wont have his eyes colored in so you can make a wish!

And this one is going to be some cute bunnies frolicking under a tree. Notice I said cute bunnies, not wonky bunnies like I have drawn here. He has a clown nose.

Thursday, September 6, 2007


Last nigth it started hitting me. The cruddy cold that is being passed around town. I woke up this morning all scratchy and feeling like crud, so I ended up staying home. With the wedding about a month away I need to be taking care of myself. I went to the Dr. this morning and am on anti-biotics. Luckily for me I am off tommrow too. An extra well needed day to rest is always a great thing.
Yesterday I joined weight watchers to loose a few extra pounds for the wedding (even though its a bit last minute) and to keep my self on a balanced diet. Now I measure and write down everything that I eat. I also have to track veggies, fruit, water and things like that. I love tracking things, but im weid like that.
I ordered beads today from fire mountains gems to make the necklaces and earings for my bridsmaids. I'm so excited to get started on that! I'll post some photos when I do. Unitl then I started drafting the pattern for the frame purses that I am also making them too!

Tommrow I'm getting my hair dyed and cut, and trying out some wedding hair ideas! Hooray!