So here are some updates:
-I have received all my finals grades except for one and I did *amazing*. I know the one I am waiting on is very good too.
- DH is leaving on tour with his band this week. I will be sad and will miss him! He will be gone for three weeks on the road. Down the eastern seaboard, through Florida, New Orleans, Tennessee, Texas and back up here.
- Christmas gifts of note: A gig bag for my Ukulele, Electric toothbrush (sounds lame I know but so amazing) Japanese books, Gift certificate to knits picks. "Santa" brought DH an X-box 360 too.
-Knit picks shopping spree! I ordered a yarn ball winder which I am so excited for!
Looking Forward to 2009
Official New years resolution
This will probably be the best one I have ever made. And pretty easy to keep.
I will be donating blood every 56 days! I started the week of Christmas. I went on the Monday, the donation center was absolutely dead. Which is not good. This time of year (among others) there is such critical blood shortages. That's why I'm going every chance I can this year. Really that is only about 6 times for the whole year. Much easier that the standard loose 10 lbs resolution. I just need to show up and do it. 6 hours for the whole year and I'm done. I am also going to try and donate platelets during the in between times. Platelets can be done every 3 days up to about 26 times a year or so.
Some other things I am going to try to do this year.
- Do more food blogging, start doing more food blogging events too.
- Blog more about knitting, publish some patterns on ravelry.
-Find a new apartment in the beginning of April.
-Organize things better around the house.
-Cross a few items off of my Omnivore's Hundred List, and blog it.
-Go to Lebowski Fest in Louisville this summer! Just for the record, if you have not seen the Big Lebowski or do not know what that is, go! Run and go rent/buy it. It is the best movie ever.